Current Groups:

MCMG VFR: Meaning-Centered Men's Groups for Veterans and First-Responders

MCMG is a group program that was designed to promote well-being and prevent the development of psychological difficulties among men facing the transition to retirement, by exploring and discussing ways of pursuing and enhancing meaning in life. This 12-week course was adapted for veterans and first-responders 50+ years old who are recently retired or considering retirement from the military or public safety careers (within the previous or next 5 years).

OMG : Online Meaning Groups (Older Adults 60+)

Online Meaning-Centered Groups (OMG) are a brief, scalable, psychosocial group intervention for older adults (aged 60+) residing in Ontario to reduce perceived social isolation, existential anxiety and despair, and to enhance psychological resiliency and well-being. We have recently received project funding from the New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP) of Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) and Spark-ON funding from Baycrest’s Centre for Aging and Brain Health Innovation (CABHI) to support this project.

Past Groups:

MCMG: Meaning-Centered Men's Groups

Meaning-Centered Men's Groups (MCMG) are a 12-session existentially-oriented, community-based, psychological group intervention designed to enhance psychological resiliency and prevent the onset or exacerbation of suicide ideation among men who are concerned about or struggling with the transition to retirement.