Our Lab in the News!
More Canadians are feeling older than their age, new poll shows
People’s ‘felt age’ varies between generations, with younger Canadians more likely to report feeling older—and vice versa.
More Canadians report feeling older than their age today than was the case a decade ago, recent polling data suggest.
Mentally, 47 per cent of Canadians reported feeling younger than their age, down from 53 per cent in 2015, according to a November poll by the Angus Reid Institute.
And now, 21 per cent say they feel mentally older than their age, up from 19 per cent in 2015. Read more.
Newstalk 2022 Interview with Dr. Heisel:
CTV News:
$1.2 million grant for Western University research into suicide prevention
According to a release from the school, Dr. Marnin Heisel will be focusing his work on two populations whose mental health may have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic: residents living in long-term care homes and Middle-aged and older male veterans and first responders.... read more
New london-based study looks to ease senior isolation through virtual groups
Lawson Health Research Institute scientists are hoping to recruit seniors for a new study into whether online “meaning-centered” groups can reduce feelings of isolation in older adults.
The elderly have been one of the groups hardest hit with mental health impacts due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The reason being that they have been more socially isolated to protect against contacting the virus. Using the virtual groups, researchers aim to rebuild social connections and reduce risk of psychological distress… read more
Low Depression Scores May Miss Seniors With Suicidal Intent
Older adults may have a high degree of suicidal intent yet still have low scores on scales measuring psychiatric symptoms, such as depression, new research suggests.
In a cross-sectional cohort study of more than 800 adults... read more
Western news:
New research to support suicide prevention
Clinical psychologist Dr. Marnin Heisel will be working to prevent suicides among vulnerable populations thanks to two separate grants worth a total of $1.2 million from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and the Movember Foundation.
Heisel is focusing his work on two populations whose mental health may have been impacted by the pandemic... read more
CTV News:
Feeling like you matter very important for seniors' mental health
It could be as simple as a call to and older family member or friend, that researchers say can make a world of difference when it comes to their mental and physical well-being.
“People need to feel valued and feel important and it’s a key component of self worth that's different than self-esteem,” says Dr. Gordon Flett... read more